Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2011 Flowers Family Reunion

The Flowers family reunion was held at Grassy Pond in Lake park , Georgia. It was a very nice day although some what sad for us "Flowers" girls. We were missing my Daddy. He passed away on July 6 th, of this year. He was always the one to plan and cook all of the meats on the grill. My cousin, Tim and his friend, Matt took over the grilling task this year. And they did an awesome job.

Jackie and Snookie were on the lookout.

My husband , Joe getting in a little R and R.

Cousin Tim cutting up the pork for BBQ.

Way too much good southern cooking. We had 53 people in attendance. We could have easily fed 50 more.

After the blessing and before the announcements.

Heather and friend Kim with the doggies.

Cousin Tim and my son, Jordan. Jordan rode his bike about 23 miles to get there. And back. He loves to bike.

Family friend, Juan and Jordan.

Mama and the doggies swinging after lunch.


Time to head back home.

Cousin Debi and Jim have got it made in the shade. Couldn't resist.

Some of Daddy's sisters. My Mama, Ruth, Jewel, Arnell and Laverne.

1 comment:

  1. So nice when family still get together. I do not have enough left for a reunion. Enjoy your folks while you can.
