Oma with four of the grandchildren. Heather, Daniel, Oma Ruth, James and Glenn.
My Son, Jordan and his girlfriend, Jessica prepared a wonderful lunch for us.
Oh , how I love all of my children!
Heather and "Eddie". He is such a sweet dog. "Jolene" was too excited to pose for a picture.
Roses in my garden.
Mama had a lovely table set for The Paschal ladies. L to R. My Sister, Barbel, her Mother in Law, Sister in laws and my Mama, Ruth.
Jackie and Snookie pose with Mama. Silly dogs!
My Mother in law. Lyndal Ganas.
Me and my youngest, Daniel.
Oma with the tallest grandchild, James
A rainy view of mama's back porch.
Jordan and Jessica's chicken say "See" you next time.